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Philosophy of Beauty: Glimpses

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In this section, Fashion Glamour Model No1 presents the background to female glamour and what is beauty as a basic introduction to genuine fashion advice.

Fashion Glamour Model No1 is aimed at discovering what is beauty and female glamour, to put fashion advice in a proper context so you can use and handle it in the right way.


If you look at things superficially, you see only shades of things unseen.
But if you want to know more, you need to look behind the screen.
Nothing happens without a cause, or by chance.
To know more means to control more.

On the surface, fashion and beauty are social phenomena under the influence of economy and industry.
However, fashion is a part of culture. It is a form of art and design.
Fashion is a part of science, of self-expression and self-knowledge. It is a future psychology of aesthetics and ethics.
Beauty is a part of culture and an expression of spirituality.
Art and spirituality are interconnected.
Fashion and beauty also are connected with the legal sphere. They require your emancipation and your human right to freedom of expression.

What is beauty, fashion advice and female glamour are intertwined.

Questioning something is the most human way of obtaining knowledge, going through differentiation towards understanding and ultimate integrity.

Come, look behind the curtain!