Clothes – fashion tips, fashion advice for women, clothing advice for women – Testimonials
Beauty advice has become user-friendly:
Clothing advice for women and fashion advice for women (and men!) has never been so – personal!
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
With our fashion advice, you’ll get into your own style, joyously focusing on your self when shopping. |
After our beauty advice and clothes – fashion tips you’ll feel different, new and in control!
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
Relax from fashion trends: You can go on using your old beloved stuff with just a few additions and combine creatively all over and over again, looking ever fresh and new! |
Our new friends, who used our clothes – fashion tips, make up and hair styling beauty advice – sent some stories:
Goodbye shopping headaches!
My daughter Pam and I have been looking at your pictures, once a day. – – – Your fashion advice for women has been such a relief and enjoyment, and we were finally able to go shopping with plans made ahead. – – – Your clothes-fashion tips have really helped us both!
Kayla Brooks
At last, someone on our side
My name is Yvonne. I am a 35 year old wife and mother of two children, ages three and one. – – – Conventional clothing advise for women is for retailers only – – – A friend of mine suggested I try your beauty advise – – –
Now I have a style, looks and money spared. – – –
Yvonne Anne
Sleeping well
What a difference – – – Since watching your pictures I don’t worry about what I’m going to wear the next day, I’ve more ideas than there are days – – – I’m sleeping better! It’s good to have less thinking – – –
Vivie Ramskill
Girlfriend shocked
– – – I wanted to make a surprise for Liz – – – she was shocked, couldn’t believe I’ve chosen the things for her, so I admitted – – – Thank you so much!
Bernard Marie
In the members’ area, you can undergo this procedure yourself – or do it for others!
Beauty control, beauty advice, natural beauty tips and body shape fashion tips
All fashion model pictures & galleries
Procedure – How You Can Use This Site
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
You Just Do What You See, Just CopyAnd we tell you exactly which pictures, what style-gallery to watch & we can precisely give you your best colour & colour set to wear. |
How fashion advice works with Fashion-Glamour-Model:
- Watch all fashion model pictures & galleries on Fashion-Glamour-Model and use them as invitation and inspiration to get fashion tips.
- Read our clothing advice about building up your personal style.
Perhaps, you can already make it alone, or - Apply for extra fashion advice:

Do your best to meet the occasion yourself (long before it’s about to come ), dress according to it, do the make up and some hair styling as usually – and make photos.
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
Success Is Guaranteed!How? – Because you only need to imitate & follow simple guidelines. We give visual advice. Every child learns from pictures. |

Then fill in the form in the members’ area and attach the photos.
– We send you back directions and guidelines.
Then get beck to all fashion model pictures & galleries and find the galleries we suggest you to use in our clothing advice for your style.
We also tell you and show you the best colours (in all nuances!) for you – these fashion tips will bring your best qualities to the surface!
Then, you do the rest, but
- You can now use all fashion model pictures & galleries to find what you most like matching our fashion advice, print out the picture (for personal use only, as they are copyrighted) and use it in shopping.
(In our clothing advice, we don’t suggest you buy any concrete item as we don’t represent any special designer or producer – we give fashion tips – we are not merchants – so you can use the photos to get the model you want – from the producer you chose. Nevertheless, we’ll try to provide links to producers and designers on the site.
And this is all at hand for our members!
And pocket size
You’ve perhaps been having headaches with conventional fashion advice deciding how much you should spend on your looks. The impersonal and cheap clothes fashion tips or “free” fashion advice can’t help you.
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
Success Is Guaranteed!How? – Because you only need to imitate & follow simple guidelines. We give visual advice. Every child learns from pictures. |
Now, with a proper and personal fashion advice and clothing advice with style you can decide in terms of your pocket size.
You can start evaluating the things according to – yourself!
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
You Just Do What You See, Just CopyAnd we tell you exactly which pictures, what style-gallery to watch & we can precisely give you your best colour & colour set to wear. |
We’ll give you clothing advice and clothes fashion tips to your own style, image and personality. Then, you can go shopping accompanied with our fashion advice! Clothing advice has become user friendly! *
With our membership and all clothes fashion tips, you can get the clue to your freedom, to measure the world according to your needs – and funds.
You can surely look in tune, great and charismatic. That – is not the question of money! That – is a question of your being in harmony.
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
When you once invest into fashion advice, you’ll be able to look perfect and save a lot on fashion |
shape fashion tips – extras and links
To come into beauty control – we can’t stop at beauty advice, or body shape fashion tips.
To make your female glamour radiate, you need to work on your feelings, sensuality and sensibility.
To be in beauty control, you need to know and take care of many things, and control them all.
Saturday 21 December, 119 |
Copying is the way kids learn even before school. By watching fashion photos you’ll simply get absorbed in fashion and style. You’ll know how to fashion your looks to make the best of it. |
Beauty advice and body shape fashion tips are the tip of the iceberg called harmony, wellbeing or fullness of life.
We wanted to help you have some guidance in the fields of interest having impact on female glamour and beauty control.

For our members,
- We offer books on health advice, lifestyle and self-development.
- We hold life-coaching courses.
- We included travel and vacation opportunities.
- We offer the best personal astrology services on line and for discount prices.
We provide fashion glamour related movies on DVD and videos.
Some special music to inspire your inner feeling of female glamour. You can use this as a powerful background to watch glamour pics and to work on your feelings, sensuality and sensibility.
In choosing links on our site, we kept in mind that not only what is usually (?) or strictly held as a part of beauty and fashion industry – should be considered!
Everything of use to an emancipated, thoughtful and intelligent woman or a man – who wants to live a life of individuality, freedom and love – a fullness of life – should be included!
So the work is in progress!